Research Project Maastricht



Have been conducted by RPM



RPM has operated in over 20 countries


Highly skilled students

Are selected for this year’s Project Team

Research Project Maastricht (RPM), an initiative supported by Maastricht University and prestigious consultancy firms, conducts company-specific research in emerging economies on a non-profit basis. The project is carried out annually and aspires to meet the unique and specific demands of Dutch firms, varying from small- and medium sized firms to multinational enterprises. RPM is best suited to companies with international ambitions and a global orientation. Each year since 1989, RPM has performed research in emerging economies including Brazil, India, Singapore and China. This year the focus will be on the emerging and developing economies of the Philippines and Indonesia.

RPM consists of a multi-disciplinary team with ten highly skilled students in the final phase of their studies. The team members are carefully selected from a large pool of applicants and possess the technical knowledge, as well as the cultural and linguistic skills required to successfully work in an international business environment. The team members’ competencies range from legal to social to economic and business studies.

In previous years, RPM has performed various types of research, including market and sector analyses, competitive analyses, identification of investment opportunities, and searching for new distribution channels or possible new business partners. To ensure the highest quality research, our team extensively researches the Philippines and Indonesia’s current economic, political, legal, and cultural environments. Furthermore, preparatory company-specific research is conducted in the Netherlands before departure to the Philippines and Indonesia.

Team departure is planned for the end of December 2024. Accordingly, from January to April 2025, the RPM team is eager to investigate, explore and evaluate opportunities for your business in the Philippines and Indonesia.

Research Possibilities

Research Project Maastricht conducts tailored research in which it aspires to meet the unique demands of your company. The project focuses on investigating business opportunities for internationally orientated companies, varying from small and medium sized firms to multinational enterprises. Several examples of possible researches are illustrated below.


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Market Analysis

Research Project Maastricht can provide a comprehensive analysis of different markets by segmenting and mapping potential target markets, and thereby providing up-to-date market information to your company.


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Outsourcing Possibilities

Research Project Maastricht can research the possibilities for outsourcing business activities according to the requirements set by your company.


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Consumer Behavior Analysis

We can provide you with an overview of current or potential target groups, including the characteristics, purchasing power and buying behavior of these groups.


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Competition Analysis

When entering a new market it is essential to explore the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Research Project Maastricht can analyze all products and services offered by the local competition, meeting your company-specific demands. Furthermore, RPM can provide a comprehensive overview of your potential competitors in Thailand and Vietnam.


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Import and Export Analysis

We can evaluate potential import or export possibilities for your company. Additionally, RPM can research all logistic, legal and tax issues that a company doing business in Thailand or Vietnam might encounter.


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Investment Possibilities

Investing in emerging markets may imply a relatively high number of potential risks. Research Project Maastricht outlines these risks for your company and suggests the best ways to cope with them.


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Sustainability Analysis

We can help your company by identifying points of improvement that can result in certain certifications, exploring ways to make your company more sustainable, or investigating ways to meet the sustainable development goals.


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Business Partner Analysis

Looking for a new business partner in Thailand and Vietnam? Research Project Maastricht can identify potential business and/or distribution partners in Thailand and Vietnam according to a predefined set of company-specific requirements.


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Market Expanding Opportunities

Thailand and Vietnam offer great opportunities for foreign direct investments. If your company considers expanding its business operations abroad, RPM can help identify new investment opportunities.


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Legal/Regulatory Analysis

For every specific sector, countries have different policies and regulations regarding import/export, labor, finance, etc. Research Project Maastricht can provide companies with more information and know-how regarding the local governmental climate.
